1st International Contemporary Material Art Biennale
Tsingtao Haitian View & Art
Beijing Nanchizi Museum
主办: 清华大学
Host: Tsinghua University
承办: 清华大学美术学院当代艺术研究所
Organizer: Contemporary Art Institute, Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University
Academic Support: Tsinghua Art, International Material Art Study
彭刚 教授
Prof. Peng Gang
General Director of the Biennale
Vice President of Tsinghua University
With the notion of using “real materials in real space”, Vladimir Tatlin used steel and glass to construct the monumental tower for the Third International (1919-1920). Although his design was never fully realized, Tatlin‘s Tower continues to stand as a symbol of utopian aspirations in people’s hearts. Today, a century after the tower‘s conception, we have a richer and deeper understanding of the material world because of the developments of modern society and science. In this new era, we are thrilled that a wave of what we call New Materialism has emerged, which encourages us to reopen the issue of matter and to give material factors their due in shaping society and human prospects.
白明《叠加的关系》陶瓷 52×12×28 cm
王家增《物的褶皱87、88》综合材料 162×122 cm×2
Åsil Bøthun(挪威)《猎犬》混凝土/纺织纤维 60×15×40 cm
New Materialism focuses on the latest physics and biological research, and transforms the understanding of matter as an inert substance into that of living matter - which is active, creative, productive, and unpredictable. It re-examines the influence of materials shaping our everyday relationships to others, to ourselves, and to the world. We propose to reconstruct the perception of contemporary art from a material perspective, which is not only a response to the current overemphasis on concepts in the contemporary art world, but also a way to open up new possibilities through the lens of materials. We also welcome different voices and minorities that have been previously marginalized by mainstream art discourse, such as voices from the East, the Third World, and women.
董书兵《河运国安 & 构》PVC管 50×25×70 cm; 50×30×80 cm
Tina Struthers(加拿大)《暗流》茶包/开心果壳/刺绣线/棉布衬底 225×300×4 cm
Sun Young Kang(韩国)《永线》棉线/镜子片/泡沫板胶水/糖粉 尺寸可变
展览主题“唯物思维”与英文主题Material Thinking相辉映,既体现了“新唯物主义”视角下物质材料的主体性和能动性,也希望将唯物的思维方式和质性的研究方法引入当代材料艺术的探索中。这种“唯物思维”的方式与中国传统文化中的“天人合一”、“齐物”、“格物致知”等观念不谋而合,艺术家由此在“物我两忘”中完成艺术创作。这种物质与生命一体化的认知方式也升华了我们对作品的物性存在的认知:艺术家以形式开启质料,从而敞开了一个世界,并把我们卷入其中,进入一种“神与物游”之境。
Material Thinking is the fundamental concept of the exhibition, which focuses on the subjectivity and dynamism of materials, and introduces qualitative research into the exploration of contemporary material art. Material Thinking is, in part, inspired by traditional Chinese cultural concepts which explore the harmony between man and nature, the equality of all things, and the acquisition of knowledge through the observation and comprehension of life experiences. The artist thus completes the artistic creation by integrating “self” with matters. The way of perceiving the integration of matter and life directs our perception of the physical existence of a work of art: the artist enlightens materials with forms/shapes, opening up a world where the minds and imaginations can freely engage with the art objects.
陈琦《本质的起源》木板综合材料200 × 600 cm
陈焰《七天》银盐胶片刻画300×84 cm ×7
李鹤《肉身·呼吸》彩色线缆100×28×26 cm
Meanwhile, the language of materials is a universal language, and once it is given a form through works of art, it can break down the barriers between different languages and conceptions, making universal communication and dialogue possible. Thus, when the call for works for the 1st International Contemporary Material Art Biennale was released, we were delighted to receive more than 2000 submissions from 80 countries and regions throughout the world. The recognition and support from our international colleagues deeply empowered our vision and inspired the courage to construct new paths, new theories, and new patterns of contemporary art through “material perspective” and “objecthood dimension”. This biennale, which was launched amid the global pandemic, took more than three years to be realized - from its initial conception and long preparation to the final event. Its success, in the midst of hardships and difficulties, is due to the full support of artists and intellectuals from all over the world, but also because it reveals a trend that is in line with the logic and inner truth of artistic development.
顾黎明 《山水赋-仿张僧繇〈雪山红树图〉》卡纸上色粉/墨/树脂胶等 107×77cm ×3
孟禄丁《朱砂》黄麻矿物质颜色 100×70cm ×2
程向军《中国医书》漆画120×90 cm
Great works of art belong to both their nations and the whole world. We hope that by establishing the International Contemporary Material Art Biennale, we will be able to provide a platform for artists and scholars from different countries to continuously exchange and research ideas - where they can share the artistic achievements of different peoples and countries, and express the emotions and wisdom of the human community through the exploration of material art. We hope that this international material art movement, initiated by Tsinghua University, will bring artists and scholars from all over the world together to build a tower of art - celebrating ideas, imaginations and creativities inspired by this new era defined by love for material art.
(左)Paweł Kiełpiński(波兰)《空间解剖学》羊毛 200×200×200 cm
(右)许正龙《凳之根》综合材料 高120cm
Organizing Committee
总策划: 彭刚
General Director: Peng Gang
Academic Host: Ma Sai
总策展人: 张敢
Chief Curator: Zhang Gan
执行策展: 梁开、尤维塔·撒克朗斯凯特
Executive Curator: Liang Kai, Jovita Sakalauskaite
展览统筹: 陈燕、雅行
Exhibition Coordinator: Chen Yan, Ya Xing
展览执行: 袁媛、刘震、冀文渊、贺强、张瑜洋
Implement: Yuan Yuan, Liu Zhen, Ji Wenyuan, He Qiang, Zhang Yuyang
视觉设计: 刘德坤
Visual Design: Liu Dekun
展陈设计: 王建 & 艺清文创设计工作室
Exhibition Design: Wang Jian & Art Tsinghua Design Studio
图录撰写: 梁开、谢泽豪、刘飓涛
Catalog Writing: Liang Kai, Xie Zehao, Liu Jutao
翻译校对: 卡塔日娜·萨迪伊、梁开、孟彤
Catalog Translation: Katarzyna S?dej, Liang Kai, Meng Tong
论坛组织: 尤维塔·撒克朗斯凯特、梁开、王瀚生
Symposium Organizing: Jovita Sakalauskaite, Liang Kai, Wang Hansheng
公共教育: 郭歌
Public Learning: Guo Ge
媒体宣传: 孙亚楠、李冬迪
Media Promotion: Sun Yanan, Li Dongdi
市场推广: 辛雯、陈雪、孙顺子、赵文婷
Marketing: Xin Wen, Chen Xue, Sun Shunzi, Zhao Wenting
展览运营: 周雨濛、赛颖颖
Exhibition Operations: Zhou Yumeng, Sai Yingying
影像视频: 北京何人传媒有限公司
Video: IY studio
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